16 Useful WebSites for Frontend Engineers

16 Useful WebSites for Frontend Engineers


3 min read


Create App config.js generator for webpack, Parcel, and Snowpack

Create App supports react, svelte and vue.

createapp.dev Alt Text

TypeScript Playground

TypeScript Playground is useful to check the latest version's typescript's features. typescriptlang.org/play Alt Text

JavaScript Minifier

Actually, there are some CLI tools and functionalities to minify js, but this can be useful when you don't use any module bundlers and task runners. It's easy to use since we just need to copy and paste js code. javascript-minifier.com Alt Text

unminify (js/css/html/xml/json)

This can be useful when you work on xxx.min.js and need to check the code for debugging. unminify.com Alt Text


openbase is a very useful website when you are looking for npm packages for your project since we can see other developers' reviews about the packages. openbase.io Alt Text

Search engine for @types files typescriptlang.org/dt/search?search= Alt Text


CSS Gradient

CSS Gradient is a happy little website and free tool that lets you create a gradient background for websites. cssgradient.io Alt Text

CSS clip-path maker

The clip-path property allows you to make complex shapes in CSS by clipping an element to a basic shape (circle, ellipse, polygon, or inset), or to an SVG source. bennettfeely.com/clippy Alt Text


Layoutit generates css for grids design. grid.layoutit.com Alt Text



Placeholder.com is a free image placeholder service for web designers, serving billions and billions of images each year. placeholder.com Alt Text



The only favicon generator you need for your next project. Quickly generate your favicon from text, image, or choose from hundreds of emojis. favicon.io Alt Text


patternify.com Alt Text

regular expressions 101

regex101.com Alt Text

tiny png

tinypng.com Alt Text

Google Fonts

fonts.google.com Alt Text


fontello.com Alt Text